Step-by-Step Development of Strategic Purchasing with the 15M Architecture
Heß, Gerhard: Strategic Purchasing and Supply Strategy – Step-by-Step Development of Strategic Purchasing with the 15M Architecture, Nürnberg, 2020. ISBN 978-3-9821670-0-8
Translation from the german language edition: Strategischer Einkauf und Supply-Strategie: Schrittweise Entwicklung des strategischen Einkaufs mit der 15M-Architektur 2.0, 4. Aufl. Wiesbaden 2017.
This book introduces the 15M Architecture, a concept for the formulation and implementation of supply strategies. In this way, strategic purchasing is also gradually developed into truly strategic purchasing. The 15M Architecture has been developed in business practice in cooperation with companies of different sizes. After ten years of successful practical use, the experience is bundled in the new version 2.0 of the 15M Architecture. It is independent of business type, industry and sector, i.e. equally suitable for industry, services and trade. Two detailed case studies and a glossary complete the conceptual explanations.
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